Human consciousness develops continuously. It understands and embraces ever larger connections, it expands. Mit dieser Erweiterung wächst die innere Freiheit, aber auch das Gefühl der Verbundenheit und Verantwortung.
Committed Leadership entwickelt Instrumente und Ansätze, um diese natürliche Entwicklung des Bewusstseins zu verstehen, auszurichten und zu erleichtern. We incorporate validated scientific approaches and theories of knowledge.
Here is an overview of the scientific foundation of Committed Leadership:
- Spiral Dynamics
- Integral Theory
- Radical Brilliance
- Neuroscience research results
Spiral Dynamics
The systematic development of value systems (“Levels of Psychological Existence”) was researched and described by the American psychology professor Clare W. Greves (Union College, New York) and further developed by Dr. Don Beck as “Spiral Dynamics”.
The development of consciousness brings forth ever new and more complex world views, value systems and adaptability to the ever changing living conditions.
Spiral Dynamics describes a constant development of the consciousness of people and organizations in typically successive steps. According to the findings of Spiral Dynamics, we are on the threshold of an age of completely new conscious understanding of our world. In the meantime, more and more people are succeeding in grasping this new consciousness, which is characterized by an integral, holistic understanding of the while.
Interestingly, many of the characteristics of this new holistic consciousness coincide with findings in quantum physics.
You can read an introduction to Spiral Dynamics by clicking on this link
From the perspective of the new awareness, Committed Leadership develops what leadership and culture could look like and how people and organizations can embark on the journey to reach this new level and make a meaningful impact in their private and professional lives.

Spiral Dynamics® is a model and at the same time a language for interpreting the evolutionary development of people, organizations and society.
Described are 8+1 levels of consciousness:
beige – purple – red – blue – orange – green – yellow – turquoise + coral
which differ by different value systems (motives, world views and rules of life), and which become more and more complex and comprehensive step by step.
Clare Graves’ research shows that at a certain moment in their development, people can take an enormous step where fears of failure disappear, creativity increasesenormously and people are able to solve much more complex problems. This is what we call the yellow system, in which people are no longer driven from outside, by social pressure, but from within, autonomously. (Source:
Radical Brilliance
Why do some people have completely new and brilliant ideas that move the game of humanity forward, while most live in silent “imitation”? How can the hidden anatomy of innovation and originality be described and utilized?
Arjuna Ardagh presents an impressively simple, yet revolutionarily complete 4-phase model of brilliance. True innovation goes through cycles of four very different phases, which are all necessary if the result is to be brilliant innovation:
Transcendence / Awakening – Creativity / Flow – Implementation / Action – Learning / Letting go.
Most people are predominantly in one of these phases, while brilliant ideas and products are “channelled” by people who are flexible enough to “flow” through the cycle of the four phases.
A detailed description of the Brillianz – cycle in the interview with Arjuna Ardagh can be found in the video.

Integral Theory
The word integral means comprehensive, including, not marginalizing, embracing. Integral approaches try to be exactly that in each field: to incorporate the greatest possible number of perspectives, styles and methodologies into a coherent view of the subject matter. In a sense, integral approaches are “meta-paradigms” or ways to bring together an existing number of different paradigms into a mutually enriching network of interrelated approaches. Ken Wilber
The world has never been more complex than now – it’s crazy and sometimes emotionally overwhelming. Not to mention that the world only seems to become more complex and cacophonous as we face the main problems of our day: extreme religious fundamentalism, environmental degradation, failing education systems, existential alienation and volatile financial markets. Never before have so many disciplines and world views had to be considered and consulted to tackle these problems: a cornucopia of perspectives. But without a way to connect, use, correlate and balance these perspectives, their contribution to the problems we face is lost or unaffected.
We are now part of a global community and we need a frame of reference – with global vision, but also anchored in the details of our daily lives – that can sustain the diversity of valid perspectives that have something to offer our individual efforts and the development of collective solutions.
Source: An overview of integral theory – Sean Esbjörn-Hargens

At first glance, integral theory appears very complex. Developed by the highly respected American thinker and writer Ken Wilber. The integral theory unites in itself all forms of human knowledge from Eastern spirituality to the modern sciences.
The essential claim is to be a club: Integration, the “peeling out” of common denominators and similarities in different religions, scientific disciplines and personal experiences.
Summarized and ordered, Integral Theory provides us with a map of consciousness development that helps us to better understand ourselves and each other, to classify our developmental steps and to master complex challenges.