Self-leadership needs access to the inner compass, to your own values, to your own deeper meaning. The journey usually begins with a longing for more fulfilment, meaning and joy. To be able to reflect on oneself and suddenly perceive oneself beyond the restrictive concepts of thought is a joyful milestone on the way.
Committed leadership is not a code of conduct imposed from outside, but rather an invitation to find out the existential truth about the meaning of one’s life and to embody this truth.
All this was and is possible. It is a rewarding path, not only for the development of leadership qualities, but also for personal happiness and inner peace.
Suddenly it becomes really possible not to see leadership as the exercise of authority. But as an act of care and love. Difficult situations are suddenly no longer situations, we release them from deep inner peace. Fun in the task, in the design, in the development of our employees are our driving forces. Through this new, holistic awareness, we also recognize our role in the big picture and take on the task of leadership.
Our commitment is to the insights of the newly acquired perspective.